We RSG Solutions Pvt. Ltd. have a strong commitment to reduce electronic waste (e-waste). With that in mind, it is our company’s top priority to take back products we sold and destroy them in a safely manner.
At RSG SOLUTIONS PVT LTD we understand that electronic waste is a big threat to our environment and as our responsibility we committed to take back the products we have sold and destroy them in a safely manner. Our company stands committed to follow the E-Waste management rule 2016 published by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoFF).
As part of e-waste recycling initiative, we have partnered with Greentek Reman Pvt. Ltd., one of India’s leading Electronic Asset Management and Disposal Company to comply E-Waste management and handling rules in providing environmentally sound management of end-of-life electronics.
Greentek Reman Pvt. Ltd. has obtained all the necessary authorization from the appropriate governmental agencies for their processing facilities and ensures proper recycling and disposal of e-waste. Greentek Reman Pvt. Ltd. has the “R2 certificate” that makes them proudly stand among top 10 e-waste management companies in the country. Joining hands with them helps us protect the environment from any hazardous consequences, which would be otherwise caused by the in appropriate waste management of e-waste.
In case of any queries regarding the proper disposal and/or recycling of electronics, consumers can contact the helpdesk at the given toll free number. An EPR specialist of our partner recycler, Greentek Reman Pvt. Ltd. shall attend to the requirement and provide best possible solution for pickup of e-waste generated by you, through its logistic partner within a committed time line.
General Scheme of Collection
We RSG SOLUTIONS PVT LTD being the Seller/ Importer as per E-waste (management) Rules, 2016, always give priority to compliances and follow all regulations amended time to time by government authorities related to e-waste management.
Following are our General Collection Schemes:
- Buy Back Schemes:We can buy back the old and used product from our customers to recycle them with the help of the agreement with Dismantler / Recycler.
- Cash Back Schemes:We can give cash back to the customers to encourage them to bring their old and used product to us and then we can recycle the material through agreement with Dismantler / Recycler.
- Refundable Deposits:As of now we don’t have refund scheme.
- Collection Centers/Points:We can ask our customers to directly send their used product after end of life to our collection point for recycling.
- E-Mails:We can create awareness among customers and help them to understand the importance of recycling their used product after end of life through educational emails.
These are the ways in which we plan to bring back used product from our customers after end of life.
Mode of Collections
- We have partnered with Greentek Reman Pvt. Ltd. Recycler/Dismantler registered with UPPCB for management and dismantling/recycling of all our e-waste.
- As a part of agreement Greentek Reman Pvt. Ltd. Recycler/Dismantler collects all our E-waste generated from the Collections points and disposes the same at their plant at Greater Noida (UP). Further all process of recycling is done in an environmentally sound manner.
- Greentek Reman Pvt. Ltd. (recycler / dismantler/our e-waste management partner) is having all authorisation related to e-waste dismantling from UPPCB and having all consents related to Air/water. They have a capacity of 9000 MTA per annum.
- Greentek Reman Pvt. Ltd. has total area of 5639 metre2 for storing of raw material, processing of raw material, storing of product and office space.
- Keeping in view our sales volume and generation of e-waste as per our future e-waste targets and our expansion plan we have decided to follow these mechanism in our organisation for collection of e-waste.
- As per our agreement with Greentek Reman Pvt. Ltd. recycler/dismantler if any customer wants to handover the old product they can easily reach to Collection points/centre (detailed list is provided on our website) and give the EOL Products directly or can call on our Toll Free Number for Suggestion / Clarification as well as for arranging a pick up from our side.
- We shall use our recycler/dismantler’s logistics facility for the collection of e-waste.